Project Overview
In 2023 we upgraded the potable water network in Agra Crescent, Wellington. The project was a critical infrastructure upgrade and involved installing new polyethylene (PE) water mains to address historical water main bursting issues and allow a new alignment for a planned stormwater upgrade for the area. The scope of work included installing mains, valves, hydrants, and associated fittings and testing and commissioning the new pipework. We used both conventional open trenching and horizontal directional drilling around the intersectionswhere ground conditions and services allowed.
Key Challenges
The shear amount of existing services in the carriageway around the main locations of Cashmere Ave, Delhi Crescent, Nicholson Road and Agra Crescent meant directional drilling the new pipeline was a high risk. We managed the complexity of the ground conditions by carefully and meticulously potholing and identifying existing services to determine where we could drill.
The project involved multiple shutdowns of the water main as well as disruptions for traffic through the area. Therefore before work commenced we planned to break the project up into three smaller sections, Cashmere Ave up to Lochiel Rd was first, then from Lochiel up to Ganges Rd, then finally the section from Ganges Rd to Nicholson Rd. In this way we managed the traffic flowing as efficiently as possible and minimised disruptions to the residents. shops and community.
We used biodegradable materials and silt traps to control and prevent sediment contaminaion. Testing, sterlising and commissioning of the new pipeline was completed on time and under budget.
We Always Do Our Best
Working in a busy live carriageway, with lots of services in the ground, with shops and traffic, people coming and going who wanted their street and their lives back to normal – its always going to be a challenge. We’ve been doing this for a while now and its only fair to listen and let everyone have their say. We had some criticism from one or two locals who thought we took way too long or just had too many trucks and gear taking up space and our project manager took time to speak to all those concerned. We also had some awesome comments and feedback and that’s what makes it all worthwhile – here’s one;
Thanks for the great work that you and the team are doing. We appreciate how careful you have to be with underground services and getting a good long term solution. Your teams are always very courteous and helpful and I think your attitude is exceptional. Thaks also for a good paving completion on our driveway…
– an Agra Crescent resident
Building a Healthier Network
It just so happened that Wellington City Councillor Diane Calvert’s home was in the workzone and she was shocked to see the state of the old drinking water infrastructure we were replacing. Check out the article about that here.
CCL a proud to be building resilient infrastructure for today’s communities that will be here for many years to come.